Why do I brush my dog's teeth?
5 reasons to brush your dog's teeth

Eating chunks, fetching a toy, chewing that way-too-tasty bone: dogs use their teeth all day long. Yet the dog's teeth receive too little attention from most owners. But did you know that brushing your dog's teeth is just as important as your own? Just like with humans, dental plaque can lead to annoying dental problems.

In this blog we give you 5 reasons to start brushing your dog's teeth today.

#1 Prevent tartar

Dental plaque is a well-known phenomenon in dogs' teeth.
It is caused by bacteria in food residues remaining on the teeth. If you leave the plaque on for a long time, it will start to mineralize under the influence of the saliva. The result is tartar. And while you can easily remove plaque with a toothbrush, you need to visit the vet for tartar removal.

#2 Maintain healthy teeth

Four out of five dogs suffer from dental problems.
One of the most common - and most painful - problems is inflammation of the gums. Gums become inflamed if there is a lot of tartar and an accumulation of bacteria. If you don't treat the inflammation in time, your dog's teeth will become loose. Often pulling these teeth is the only option to help your dog get rid of the pain.

Dog Weight-Fit
Dog Weight-Fit

High premium dog food for less active dogs and dogs with (the tendency to) overweight.

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#3 Preventing inflammation

The gums are not the only thing that can become inflamed with poorly maintained teeth.
If a gum infection remains for too long, the bacteria from the oral cavity will end up elsewhere in the body of your four-legged friend via the bloodstream. Inflammations of the heart valve, kidneys and liver are the most common. By brushing regularly, you can see in time if something is wrong.

#4 No expensive dental cleaning at the vet

Of course you can leave the cleaning of the teeth to the vet.
Unfortunately, your dog has to be under anesthesia for a professional dental cleaning. This makes the treatment drastic. Not only for your health, but also for your wallet. A simple toothbrush with special dog toothpaste is a lot cheaper and more pleasant for your loyal friend.

#5 Fresh breath

Doesn't your dog's breath smell like… flowers?
This is rarely due to the food. The most common cause of bad breath is plaque. And as you know, that plaque is easy to remove by brushing your teeth. Note: Using your own fresh mint-flavored toothpaste is a bad idea. It can be toxic to your dog. A special dog toothpaste – with a tasty meat flavor – does the job just as well. This way you can breathe with peace of mind while cuddling.

Learning to brush your dog's teeth

Jong geleerd is oud gedaan, en dat geldt ook voor het tandenpoetsen bij je hond.
De meeste honden zijn goed te trainen, zeker als je ze regelmatig beloont. Weet je niet waar je moet beginnen? Volg dan ons stappenplan voor tandenpoetsen bij katten.

Naast tandenpoetsen is ook goede voeding van belang voor het behoud van een gezond gebit. De Fokker Nutri-Fit is verkrijgbaar in drie verschillende brokgroottes (S, M en L), speciaal afgestemd op het formaat van je hond. Ook de Fokker Weight-Fit ondersteunt een optimaal gezond gebit. Lees ons blog over gebitsverzorging bij honden voor nog veel meer tips of vul de Keuzewijzer in.

We also have an extensive range for adult dogs, including food for sterilized, sensitive and picky dogs.

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