Your dog's breath doesn't smell like flowers...

5 Possible Causes of Your Dog's Bad Breath

As long as your four-legged friend doesn't stink so badly that you have to find another workplace when he's sleeping under your desk. Bad breath can clearly cause deeper problems. 


Dental problems or poor oral hygiene

  • Cause: Problems with the teeth or gums are very often the cause of bad breath. Plaque and tartar are a breeding ground for bacteria that don't make your dog's breath fresher. Over time, poor oral hygiene can lead to inflammation of the gums, cavities, and infections. And you can smell it.
  • ​Smell: with tartar or poor oral hygiene, you usually smell a musty smell. Inflamed gums produce a sulfur smell.
  • Solution: Brushing your teeth is a simple but effective way to prevent problems with your dog's teeth. Read other tips on how to care for your dog's teeth here.
Dog Sensi-Fit
Dog Sensi-Fit

High premium dog food for adult dogs based on lamb and rice. Particularly suitable for sensitive dogs.

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  • Cause: Poor or incorrect nutrition often leads to digestive problems. If the intestines can't properly digest certain ingredients – such as grains or gluten – of the food, you can smell it in your dog's breath. Also feeding leftovers from your own food sometimes causes digestive problems unnoticed.
  • ​Smell: differs per dog. Sometimes the breath has a poo smell, because the intestines cannot process the food.
  • Solution: switch to a high-quality feed. A fiber-rich diet supports intestinal function.

In addition, drinking water helps prevent bad breath.



  • Cause: diabetes ensures that sugar is not absorbed into the cells. Instead, there is too much sugar in the blood. Dogs with diabetes urinate a lot and are more hungry than usual.
  • Smell: sweet, candy-like air
  • Solution: Go to the vet if your dog has sweet breath. Dogs with diabetes need insulin and therefore need to be helped quickly. In addition, a special diet is important.

Kidney disease

  • Cause: the dog's kidneys filter the blood, removing waste products from the body. These waste products leave the body as urine. If your dog suffers from kidney disease or kidney failure, the kidneys can no longer filter those waste products properly. That leads to various problems, which you sometimes smell from bad breath.
  • Smell: acidic, urine-like 
  • Solution: Are you unsure if your dog may have kidney problems? Then always go to the vet first.

It checks what is going on. 

Dog Fish-Fit
Dog Fish-Fit

High premium dog food for adult dogs based on fish and rice. Particularly suitable for sensitive dogs.

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Changing teeth (for puppies)

  • Cause: From 3 months of age, puppies start changing their teeth. During the change, blood is sometimes released. As a result, it can happen that your cute puppy suddenly no longer smells so cute from his mouth.
  • Smell: rotten eggs or fishy
  • Solution: Changing teeth takes about 3 months. After that, the bad breath should disappear on its own.

We have chunks in different sizes for different ages that help prevent tartar.

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